Guaranteed to make you laugh (and think)!
Dec. 9, 2024

Brotox About

The guys are once again bi-coastal but you'll have a great time wherever you are as they talk about...
07:08  Mr. Fun's Joke of the Week
07:35  Where in the world is JK update?
09:48  Greatest pop stars of 21st century
15:45  No mo' Bevo college football update
24:49  Coach K does Brotox?
27:40  Hymenoplasty is apparently a thing
30:45  Deserted Island Draft
35:35 Mr Fun ends with some risque drinks

Drink of the Week:
"Drink more Scotty's Vodka!"


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The views expressed on Talk About with Biff, Lucky and Mr. Fun are the speaker's own and are intended for education and entertainment purposes only and do not constitute advice or services. Additionally this podcast is for private use and guests and speakers views do not necessarily reflect any organization or company.